Without love, we cannot thrive. We need it to grow and flourish in our lives. We all know that, but ‘love’ can mean so many different things. In this 4-week sermon series, we will seek to better understand the life-giving love that all of us need to give and receive.
Plan to join us on February 12 at 7pm for our AGM at Westside Hamilton. We are excited to meet together to bring you up to date with some important things happening at Westside Church. We are going to hear reports from our board and leadership team, share a financial update, and hear about what’s in store for our future. Save the date and make plans to attend!
On the Family Day weekend (Sunday, Feb 16), we are having only ONE service time at 10am followed by a Chili Lunch. If you want to enter our contest and submit your best chili, please sign up below!
Freedom In Christ is a 9-week discipleship course that gives you the tools to break free and stay free from all that holds you back, and a strategy for ongoing transformation in your relationship with Jesus. Begins on Wednesday, January 15 from 7-8:30pm.
The CAP Money Course is a free revolutionary money management course. It will help you to get more in control of your finances, so you can save, give, and prevent debt. It meets on Tuesdays - February 18, 25, and March 4 from 7-9pm.
Hear the latest messages!